About Me

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Bangalore, Karnataka, India
Nothing describes me better than my passion for learning and the zest for fighting battles with myself. The blog here started to put my creative thoughts has been constantly shaping up as I move on and for the better. All of you are welcome to join me on this exciting journey of mine.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

The 5 B's

What I have been wondering for quite some time is that, can creativity be actually taught? I am sure my friends at SIBM would have thought about it too with the very mention of a subject of that sort and that too carrying 2 credits!!

There have been many discussions in our classes and my Prof. has tried his best to convince us on the issue that it can be taught. And honestly speaking, little did I believe in him. Until today when in the process of working on an assignment, I found out a simple and logical reason for it, something that we all are subconsciously aware of but have probably never bothered to think about.

Let me now put forth the idea. It is related to studies done on the human brain and the various waves found within. The study says that the presence of theta waves in the human brain is responsible for the generation of ideas and so to come up with novel ideas, the person has to identify a place or an activity which stimulates the generation of these theta waves.
Proposed is a model of the 5B’s :-

Let me give a brief overview of these,

BATH: It has been found that when warm water flows on one’s head, and the head is massaged a bit while at bath, theta waves get generated and that is what makes us feel very pleased. Thoughts during bath may sometimes be actually very-2 creative and some of you must have experienced it as well. Remember the “Eureka” moment of Archimedes in a bath tub!!

BRANDY: Ever seen people in their drunken state showing the best of their creative side by singing, dancing and u know the whats, at least in movies if not actually? It is again the release of theta waves.

BED: Dreams are a manifestation of the same phenomenon to a certain extent, however the theta being more prominent when a person is just about to sleep i.e. in a state towards sleep.

BUS: It is the monotony of travel in a bus and the rhythmic vibrations that cause the same.

BABY: Though I may not be the right person to say this considering my lack of experience in this domain, nurturing babies actually does give the parents a deep sense of pleasure and satisfaction and to help them think of creative ways to make the baby feel good.

Before I close, let me tell you that the credit to having such an insight does not go to me. Rather it is due to the author David O’ Dell in whose book I found out the 5B’s and brought it forward to you all.

I now believe that picking up one out of these five B’s might help us think creatively, particularly when a slight orientation to the idea already exists in our subconscious. This is a personal opinion and my fellow bloggers might differ on the same, the extent of which I would love to know by your comments on the idea.


Sharadkumar R Bhatt said...

Something that always fascinates me when i think of creativity being taught and learnt. I feel the definition of Learning is, that you can do it at will..that is, whenever you want and wherever you want. Does this happen with creativity? Can anybody be creative at will? Or is that, they are creative only when they are creative!!!

shreya :) said...

hats-off to Mr. David O’ Dell for providing such strong logic, and thanks to YOU, for bringing to fore the reasoning behind the thought that 'creativity can be taught'..to be frank, neither did I ever believe that a thing such as creativity can be "taught", but, at the same time,I hadn't come across the author's book, which explains the connection so convincingly.
This post will give people some food-for-thought, and hopefully, rejuvenate the lost glory of "Liberal Arts"!!

Sanat said...

i wonder which of these five helped you to come up so creatively.. with a new post!!

Anonymous said...

hey u hve done a good job by making ppl aware of the time they can actualy do some creative thing n add a total new dimensions to their lives coz some ppl jst frett dat dey r nt creative enuf...or may b dey r too busy to identify such things in life ..i would like to add an another B to ur FIVE B's its BRAINSTROMING....one can come up wid amazing ideas while brainstroming...

pj_king said...

nice post again :) ... i certainly agree with David O dell on bed and bath :) ,though bus makes me feel sleepy ,brandy and baby i don't have much experience with. The underlying feature in all these situations is that you are in a relaxed state without anything on mind.Your mind is free as you are not concentrating on any of your senses.