About Me

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Bangalore, Karnataka, India
Nothing describes me better than my passion for learning and the zest for fighting battles with myself. The blog here started to put my creative thoughts has been constantly shaping up as I move on and for the better. All of you are welcome to join me on this exciting journey of mine.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Bagchi and his Bio

The post carries my 20 cents on Subroto Bagchi’s “Go Kiss the World”. In the initial pages, it felt like just another autobiography with a lot of effort put in to make it a literary piece, clearly evident by the drama woven around simple incidents of an average childhood story. Some would say that the emphasis here is on the family connection and the petty details, though I find it to be an average account.

However, towards the later part of Bagchi’s career, that of the sowing of Mindtree’s seed, its nurture and growth are definitely worth a read. Here are some of my takeaways:

 How important it is to create memorability in your first meeting! As they say, first impression is the last impression.

 Why is Laalach such a buri balaa? The mention of the story from Panchtantra about the Brahmin and the clever tiger where the tiger being weak, offers the Brahmin his golden bangles for penance and entices the Brahmin to take a dip into the pond before receiving it. The Brahmin gets stuck in the pond’s mud and the tiger devours him. Who killed the man? Is it the tiger or the man’s greed?

 The importance of not having the word ‘panic’ in your lexicon. And the importance of taking time to think rather than taking hasty decisions in the crisis hours where the flow of emotions tends to work against you.

 That ‘All growth can be inherently destructive’- Drucker

You would say that these are all lessons we’ve already heard of, so what’s extra that Bagchi has offered!

Well, the most important aspect is that it’s simplicity with which success can be attained, just by pure effort and being there at the right places at the right times. The story reinforces the idea that one doesn’t have to be an extraordinary person to make big. All one needs is focus and the rest just follows.

P.S.: Subroto Bagchi is the co-founder of Mindtree Solutions

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