About Me

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Bangalore, Karnataka, India
Nothing describes me better than my passion for learning and the zest for fighting battles with myself. The blog here started to put my creative thoughts has been constantly shaping up as I move on and for the better. All of you are welcome to join me on this exciting journey of mine.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Religion & Me

Before writing this post, I am definitely sure of one thing that no matter what your religious view is (or is not); you will find something here that you can relate to.

Born and brought up in a deeply religious Jain family, there’ve been quite a few customs/rituals that have become a part of my daily life. And these have not come up by my choices or my conscious decisions, rather as learning from my parents and grandparents as to what is right and what is not. Isn’t this the case with many of us?

Don’t the majority of us look up to God only when we get into some trouble or when we need something really badly and are worried that we are not strong enough to get out of the trouble or not capable enough to achieve the need!

Even those who religiously follow the customs would agree that the best they achieve out of their prayers is a sense of security that there is a power higher up which will save them from the perils that might come on their way. And that, in their times of need, they can offer prayers, make wishes and in the hope that these will be granted, continue to do their daily chores with a little more ease. Believe me when I say this that I do the same too and the kind of support I receive by the mere offering of these prayers is inexplicable.

With the instinctive quality of curiosity that all humans are born with, I’ve had my set of many questions too and in response to those many, I’ve got a few answers, a fewer of which have convinced me and others till date have failed to do so. All these unanswered or unconvincingly answered questions on God, on religion or on the many aspects of our social lives have made me realize that learning on these will come from time to time and in many hidden ways. All I need to do is to keep my eyes open and follow my own way.


Rimi Shah said...

hey siddarth.. i think u have right opinion about why people follow any religion...interesting post dost...keep writting!!

Unknown said...

When we talk of religion, all i can think of following some rituals which may not have some meaning,Yes i can say i am religious but in my own way i think i am more Spiritual, i offer my prayers and believe that they will be answered, one more thing that really helps me when i am some deep trouble, i simply surrender myself to Divine and yes it provide me immense strength to carry on...i feel i am blessed....and so is everyone :-)

Anonymous said...

Hey Sid,That was quite a realistic post. We all tend to move towards God or Divine Power during our miseries and forget him during our good times. I think thats the basic human psychology.

Diya said...

hey siddharth....thats quite interesting....afetr coming down to UK..my thoughts have been questioned in many ways...I have been surrounded by ppl who question the real "God"...and which belief is right and which is not...this becomes a very debatable topic...I guess we cling to beliefs which we have been following for years..God for me is strength.somebody I can turn to whenever and wherever I need....

Unknown said...

Hey Sid , When it comes to the subject of God, at our age, its pretty hard to understand,and that's why we get to learn from our elders. And about your questions that are still unanswered, I have a lot too. But it is the strength of our faith and belief despite these questions, that will take us one step closer to Him. Its like you've mentioned in the end : Keep your eyes open, but follow HIS way. :) Cheers